Triberg im Schwarzwald


We are open Monday to Sunday from 1 April until 3th of November 2024.


Our beautiful park and modern black forest house are located next to the Triberg waterfalls.


From 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. you may take a stroll among the various birds of prey and owls living in our park and have a coffee break in our cafe.


You can watch our eagles, hawks and facons fly in our daily flight show and take a closer look at some of our owls (eagle owl, snowy owl, scops owl, etc.) during the owl presentation.

Owl presentation:

Mo - Sun at 2 p.m.


Flight show:

Mo - Sun at 3 p.m.


Dogs are not allowed.

Driving directions:

Greifvogel- und Eulenpark

An den Wasserfällen

78098 Triberg im Schwarzwald


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